Add Domestic Partner

Follow these steps to add your domestic partner to coverage:

  1. Gather necessary information:
    • Domestic partner social security number.
    • Domestic partner date of birth.
    • Supporting documentation.
  2. If adding additional dependents due to add domestic partner event, make sure you have new dependents' social security numbers and dates of birth.
  3. Visit to add your domestic partner to benefit coverage. If you are adding additional dependents due to this event, you may do so at this time. 

New member ID cards will be issued approximately 3-4 weeks after you submit your elections.


Verifying Domestic Partners:

Supporting documentation is required.  Supporting documentation will be required by the Dependent Verification Center within 30 days of the event date.  For more information on the process for verifying a domestic partner, click here.

Please Note: If you add your domestic partner and other dependents to your coverage, a notice to your new domestic partner about their eligibility for COBRA continuation coverage will be mailed to them.  This is a government required notice explaining their rights under COBRA continuation coverage.

For tax implications when adding a domestic partner to coverage, please review How to Understand Imputed Income for a Domestic Partner.

For additional questions, please contact the Lubrizol Benefits Center.